Discover Contiguous File Allocation Program in C

Contiguous File Allocation Program in C

In C programming, contiguous file allocation is essential to optimizing file management. Understanding contiguous file allocation is crucial for effective data storage and retrieval when delving into the realm of programming. The complexities of contiguous file allocation, as well as its benefits and drawbacks, will be discussed in this article along with how to create a reliable contiguous file allocation program in C.

Understanding Contiguous File Allocation

a file allocation scheme where all the logical blocks of a file are assigned to contiguous (adjacent or sequentially located) physical blocks on the hard disk. In this scheme, each file is stored in a continuous sequence of blocks, making it easy to locate and access data sequentially.

For example, if a file needs three blocks of storage, it would be allocated three consecutive physical blocks on the disk. This ensures that reading or writing the file’s contents can be done more efficiently, as the data is stored in a contiguous manner.

In the context of your description, you have three files in a directory, and the table specifies the starting block and length of each file. The fact that contiguous blocks are assigned to each file based on its needs aligns with the characteristics of contiguous allocation. This allocation scheme contrasts with other methods like linked allocation or indexed allocation, where file blocks may be scattered across the disk and accessed through pointers or an index structure


  1. Sequential Access Efficiency:
    • Contiguous allocation is particularly efficient for applications that require sequential access to the entire file. Reading or writing data sequentially is straightforward since the blocks are located next to each other on the disk.
  2. Simple Implementation:
    • The implementation of contiguous allocation is relatively simple. File allocation tables (FAT) or data structures to track file locations can be minimal, leading to less overhead in terms of storage and processing.
  3. Reduced Fragmentation:
    • Contiguous allocation helps minimize internal fragmentation since each file is stored in a continuous block of disk space. There are no gaps between file blocks, reducing wasted space.
  4. Improved Performance:
    • Accessing data from contiguous blocks generally results in faster read and write operations compared to non-contiguous allocation methods. This can lead to improved overall system performance.


  1. Wasted Space due to External Fragmentation:
    • While contiguous allocation reduces internal fragmentation, it can lead to external fragmentation. Over time, as files are created, modified, and deleted, free blocks of various sizes may become scattered across the disk, making it challenging to allocate contiguous space for new files.
  2. Limited File Growth:
    • Contiguous allocation may limit the ability of files to grow dynamically. If a file needs additional space and there isn’t a contiguous block available, it may be challenging to extend the file, leading to inefficiencies.
  3. Allocation Challenges for Large Files:
    • For large files, finding a contiguous block of sufficient size can become difficult. This can result in increased fragmentation and decreased efficiency.
  4. Difficulty in File Creation:
    • Allocating contiguous space for a new file can be challenging, especially when the available free space is fragmented. The operating system needs to find a sufficiently large, contiguous block to accommodate the entire file.
  5. Inflexibility with Dynamic Storage Needs:
    • Contiguous allocation may be less flexible in handling dynamic storage needs, especially when dealing with variable-sized files or files that grow and shrink over time.

Contiguous File Allocation Program in C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Structure to represent a contiguous file
struct ContiguousFile {
    char data[100]; // Assuming a file can hold up to 100 characters
// Function to write data to the contiguous file
void writeFile(struct ContiguousFile* file, const char* content) {
    strcpy(file->data, content);
// Function to read data from the contiguous file
void readFile(const struct ContiguousFile* file) {
    printf("File Content: %s\n", file->data);
int main() {
    // Allocate memory for the contiguous file
    struct ContiguousFile* file = (struct ContiguousFile*)malloc(sizeof(struct ContiguousFile));
    // Check if memory allocation was successful
    if (file == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failed\n");
        return 1; // Exit with an error code
    // Write data to the contiguous file
    writeFile(file, "Hello, Contiguous File!");
    // Read and display the content of the file
    // Free the allocated memory
    return 0; // Exit successfully


  1. The struct ContiguousFile is defined to represent a file with a data array that can hold up to 100 characters.
  2. The writeFile function takes a struct ContiguousFile pointer (file) and a string (content) as input and uses strcpy to copy the content into the data array of the file.
  3. The readFile function takes a const pointer to a struct ContiguousFile (file) and prints the content of the file using printf.
  4. In the main function:
    • Memory is allocated dynamically for a struct ContiguousFile using malloc.
    • It checks if the memory allocation was successful and prints an error message if not.
    • The writeFile function is called to write the content “Hello, Contiguous File!” to the allocated file.
    • The readFile function is called to read and print the content of the file.
    • Finally, the allocated memory is freed using free.

Note: This code is a basic example and doesn’t handle various aspects such as error checking in file operations or dynamic content length. In a real-world scenario, additional considerations and error handling would be necessary. If you want learn more click here.


File Content: Hello, Contiguous File!

Real-world Applications

When fast file access is essential, contiguous file allocation is common. Applications in the real world consist of:

– Services that stream videos for flawless playback.

– Database management systems for effective data recovery.

– Gaming apps that enable quick game asset loading.

Comparison with Other File Allocation Methods

Contiguous Allocation:


  1. Efficient for Sequential Access: Well-suited for applications that access data sequentially.
  2. Simple Implementation: Implementation is straightforward with minimal data structures.
  3. Reduced Internal Fragmentation: Minimizes wasted space within allocated blocks.


  1. External Fragmentation: May lead to wasted space due to scattered free blocks.
  2. Limited File Growth: Challenges in extending files dynamically.
  3. Difficulty in File Creation: Allocating contiguous space for new files can be challenging.

Linked Allocation:


  1. Dynamic Size: Allows for dynamic file growth and efficient handling of variable-sized files.
  2. Minimal External Fragmentation: Since blocks can be scattered, external fragmentation is reduced.
  3. Simplified File Creation: Easier to allocate space for new files.


  1. Poor Sequential Access: Not optimal for applications requiring sequential access due to scattered blocks.
  2. Pointer Overhead: Requires additional storage for pointers between blocks, increasing overhead.
  3. Inefficient Random Access: Random access to data may involve traversing linked pointers.

Indexed Allocation:


  1. Efficient Random Access: Ideal for applications requiring random access to data.
  2. Dynamic Size: Supports dynamic file growth and variable-sized files efficiently.
  3. Minimal Fragmentation: Reduces external fragmentation with a centralized index structure.


  1. Index Overhead: Requires additional storage for the index structure.
  2. Complex Implementation: More complex than contiguous allocation, leading to increased system complexity.
  3. File Creation Complexity: Allocating space for new files involves managing both data and index structures.


In C programming, contiguous file allocation is an effective and quick method of managing files. Mastering this file allocation technique involves comprehending its subtleties, putting best practises into practice, and picking up knowledge from practical applications. While there are certain difficulties, contiguous file allocation is a useful tool in the programming community because, when used properly, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

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