Discover Disk Scheduling Algorithm Program In C

Discover Disk Scheduling Algorithm Program In C

The world of computer systems relies heavily on efficient data retrieval, and at the heart of this operation lies the Disk Scheduling Algorithm. Analogous to a librarian organizing books in a vast library, the disk scheduling algorithm orchestrates the sequence in which data, or “books,” is accessed from a storage disk. This article delves into the significance of disk scheduling algorithms, addressing the fundamental question of why they are needed. We will also provide link to all Disk Scheduling Algorithm Program In C.


Disk Scheduling Algorithm Defined

At its core, a disk scheduling algorithm is a method used by operating systems to prioritize and organize the retrieval of data from a storage disk. Imagine your computer’s hard drive as a vast library, and the disk scheduling algorithm as the librarian determining the sequence in which books (data) are accessed.

Why Disk Scheduling Algorithm is Needed?

The need for disk scheduling algorithms arises from the fact that accessing data on a disk involves physical movement, and optimizing this movement is essential for efficient operation. Without a proper algorithm in place, the disk may become a bottleneck, leading to slower performance and decreased overall system efficiency.

Need for Disk Scheduling Algorithm

Managing Disk Access

Disk scheduling algorithms are vital for managing the access of multiple processes to the disk simultaneously. They ensure that each process gets fair and efficient access, preventing resource conflicts and minimizing wait times.

Enhancing System Performance

Efficient disk scheduling directly translates to enhanced system performance. By reducing the time it takes to retrieve data, these algorithms contribute to quicker application response times and an overall smoother user experience.

Key Terms in Disk Scheduling Algorithms

Seek Time

Definition and Significance

Seek time is the time taken for the disk arm to position itself over the track where the desired data is located. It is a critical factor in disk performance as minimizing seek time leads to faster data retrieval.

How Seek Time Impacts Performance

Reducing seek time is paramount for optimizing disk access. This can be achieved by implementing smart algorithms that minimize unnecessary arm movements, prioritizing sequential access whenever possible.

Strategies to Minimize Seek Time

Algorithms often employ strategies such as grouping requests and optimizing the order in which they are serviced to minimize seek time. These strategies play a crucial role in achieving efficient disk operations.

Rotational Latency

Role in Disk Operations

Rotational latency refers to the time it takes for the desired disk sector to rotate under the read/write head. Effectively managing rotational latency is essential for reducing delays in data retrieval.

Minimizing Rotational Latency for Efficiency

Algorithms consider the current position of the disk arm and the rotational speed of the disk to minimize rotational latency. By intelligently organizing disk requests, the impact of rotational latency can be mitigated.

Practical Examples

Consider a scenario where multiple processes are competing for disk access. A well-designed algorithm can optimize the sequence of requests, reducing rotational latency and improving overall system performance.

Transfer Time

Definition and Calculation

Transfer time is the time required to actually transfer the data once the disk arm is positioned correctly. Understanding and optimizing transfer time is crucial for achieving optimal disk access speeds.

Optimizing Transfer Time

Algorithms aim to minimize unnecessary data transfers and optimize the order in which data is read or written. This involves intelligent data buffering and caching strategies to streamline the transfer process.

Implications for Overall System Speed

Efficient transfer time contributes to faster data retrieval and, consequently, improved overall system speed. Disk scheduling algorithms play a key role in achieving this optimization.

Disk Access Time

Combination of Seek Time, Rotational Latency, and Transfer Time

Disk access time is the sum of seek time, rotational latency, and transfer time. A well-designed disk scheduling algorithm considers all these factors to minimize access time and enhance system performance.

Importance in Disk Performance Evaluation

Understanding and optimizing disk access time is fundamental to evaluating the performance of a disk scheduling algorithm. Lower disk access times translate to more responsive and efficient systems.

Real-world Applications

In real-world applications, the impact of disk access time on user experience is evident. Systems with optimized disk access time respond faster to user commands and exhibit better multitasking capabilities.

Common Disk Scheduling Algorithms

First Come First Serve (FCFS)

Overview of First Come First Serve Algorithm

FCFS is a simple and intuitive disk scheduling algorithm where disk requests are serviced in the order they arrive. While straightforward, FCFS may not always be the most efficient, especially in scenarios with mixed patterns of disk access.

Advantages and Limitations

The main advantage of FCFS is its simplicity, but it can lead to longer wait times for processes waiting at end of the queue. In situations with varying seek times, FCFS may not provide optimal performance.

When to Use FCFS

FCFS is suitable for scenarios where the order of arrival of disk requests does not significantly impact overall system efficiency. In cases with uniform access patterns, FCFS can be a reliable choice.


Let’s take an example of FCFS using the given sequence of disk requests: 80, 180, 50, 90, 125, 30, 25, 160, with the initial position of the Read-Write head at 50.

Order of Servicing Requests:

50, 80, 180, 50, 90, 125, 30, 25, 160


In FCFS, requests are serviced in the order they arrive. The Read-Write head starts at 50 and moves sequentially through the requests. It goes to 80, then 180, back to 50, and so on.

Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF)

Shortest Seek Time First Algorithm Explained

SSTF selects the disk request with the shortest seek time, prioritizing efficiency by minimizing arm movements. This algorithm often outperforms FCFS in terms of response time and overall system speed.

Benefits and Challenges

The main benefit of SSTF is its ability to reduce seek time, leading to quicker data retrieval. However, it may suffer from the “starvation” problem, where certain requests consistently receive priority, leaving others waiting.

Best Use Cases

SSTF is particularly effective in scenarios with varying seek times, where minimizing seek time can significantly enhance overall system performance. It is a preferred choice for systems prioritizing response time.


Let’s take an example of SSTF using the given sequence of disk requests: 80, 180, 50, 90, 125, 30, 25, 160, with the initial position of the Read-Write head at 50.

Order of Servicing Requests:

50, 30, 25, 80, 90, 125, 160, 180


SSTF selects the request with the shortest seek time first. In this case, the head moves to 30, then 25, and continues selecting the closest requests, optimizing seek time

SCAN Algorithm

Understanding SCAN Disk Scheduling

SCAN, also known as the elevator algorithm, moves the disk arm back and forth across the disk, servicing requests in the direction of movement. This algorithm ensures a fair distribution of access and prevents processes from waiting indefinitely.

Practical Implementation

In a real-world scenario, the SCAN algorithm copies the behavior of an elevator moving up and down a building. This back-and-forth movement ensures that all floors (disk tracks) are serviced, preventing any one floor from being neglected.

Comparisons with Other Algorithms

SCAN is often compared with algorithms like FCFS and SSTF. While it may not always provide the shortest seek time, its fairness in servicing requests makes it a valuable choice in certain situations.


Let’s take an example of SCAN using the given sequence of disk requests: 80, 180, 50, 90, 125, 30, 25, 160, with the initial position of the Read-Write head at 50.

Order of Servicing Requests:

50, 30, 25, 80, 90, 125, 160, 180


SCAN (Elevator algorithm) moves the head in one direction, servicing requests until it reaches the end. Then, it reverses direction. In this example, it moves from 50 to the end, then reverses back to 25, servicing requests along the way.

LOOK Algorithm: A Closer Look

Features of LOOK Disk Scheduling

LOOK is a variation of the SCAN algorithm, servicing requests only in the direction of movement. This avoids unnecessary back-and-forth movements, potentially reducing seek time and improving overall efficiency.

How LOOK Differs from SCAN

LOOK and SCAN share the basic principle of moving the disk arm back and forth, but LOOK terminates its movement when there are no more requests in the current direction. This subtle difference can impact seek time.

Pros and Cons

LOOK offers a balance between the fairness of SCAN and the potential for reduced seek time. It is a practical choice in scenarios where efficiency is crucial, but complete fairness is not a strict requirement.


Let’s take an example of LOOK using the given sequence of disk requests: 80, 180, 50, 90, 125, 30, 25, 160, with the initial position of the Read-Write head at 50.

Order of Servicing Requests:

50, 30, 25, 80, 90, 125, 160


LOOK is similar to SCAN but reverses direction when there are no more requests in the current direction. In this case, it doesn’t go all the way to the end, optimizing the seek time.

Order of Servicing Requests:

80, 90, 125, 160, 180, 25, 30, 50


C-SCAN moves in one direction, servicing requests until the end, then immediately moves to the beginning. It ignores requests in the reverse direction. This can lead to a more predictable and fair servicing order.

C-SCAN: Circular SCAN Algorithm

Concept and Purpose of C-SCAN

C-SCAN is a variation of the SCAN algorithm that limits movement to one direction, moving from one end of the disk to the other. Upon reaching the end, the arm immediately returns to the beginning, preventing any unnecessary backward movements.

Use Cases

C-SCAN is particularly useful in scenarios where fairness is essential, but the system can tolerate a higher seek time. By eliminating backward movements, C-SCAN ensures that all requests are eventually serviced.

Enhancements Over Traditional SCAN

The main enhancement of C-SCAN over SCAN lies in its elimination of backward movements. This reduces the time processes spend waiting for the disk arm, enhancing overall system responsiveness.


Let’s take an example of C-SCAN using the given sequence of disk requests: 80, 180, 50, 90, 125, 30, 25, 160, with the initial position of the Read-Write head at 50.

C-LOOK Algorithm Demystified

Characteristics of C-LOOK Disk Scheduling

C-LOOK is a variation of the LOOK algorithm that restricts movement to one direction, similar to C-SCAN. It terminates movement when there are no more requests in the current direction, preventing unnecessary backward movements.

Advantages in Specific Scenarios

C-LOOK offers a compromise between the fairness of LOOK and the potential for reduced seek time. It is suitable for scenarios where minimizing unnecessary arm movements is crucial for efficiency.

Considerations for Implementation

When choosing between C-LOOK and other algorithms, factors such as system workload and access patterns should be considered. C-LOOK may be more suitable in scenarios where fairness and reduced seek time are both priorities.


Let’s take an example of C-LOOK using the given sequence of disk requests: 80, 180, 50, 90, 125, 30, 25, 160, with the initial position of the Read-Write head at 50.

Order of Servicing Requests:

80, 90, 125, 160, 180, 25, 30, 50


C-LOOK is similar to C-SCAN but it will not go all the way to the end. It reverses direction when there are no more requests in the current direction, optimizing seek time and avoiding unnecessary movements.

These explanations highlight how each algorithm approaches disk scheduling, considering factors like seek time, fairness, and efficiency in handling the given sequence of requests.

Disk Scheduling Algorithm Program In C

Read the more detailed article about each of mentioned disk scheduling here.


In conclusion, disk scheduling algorithms are the linchpin of efficient data retrieval in operating systems. From managing seek time to minimizing rotational latency and optimizing transfer time, these algorithms are the architects of seamless disk operations. Each algorithm brings its own set of advantages and considerations, and the choice depends on the specific needs and priorities of the system.

Whether opting for the simplicity of FCFS, the efficiency of SSTF, or the fairness of SCAN and its variations, understanding the nuances of each algorithm is crucial for system administrators and developers. Striking the right balance between seek time, fairness, and overall system responsiveness is the key to unlocking the full potential of disk scheduling algorithms

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