C Program To Find Quotient And Remainder

Let’s break down a basic “C program to find quotient and remainder” to begin learning how to code. Consider distributing your preferred snacks to your friends in varying quantities. In computer language, this program essentially performs that function.

In this virtual kitchen, we’re developing a recipe that will make it simple to calculate how many groups and delicious leftovers you’ll have after sharing. Here’s an easy-to-follow guide to learning how to divide in C instead of complicated formulas. So put on your coding apron and let’s create a fun program that uses computer language to demystify the concepts of remainder and quotient!

What is Quotient And Remainder?

  1. Quotient:
    • The quotient is the result of the division operation. It represents how many times the divisor can fit into the dividend evenly. In other words, it is the whole number part of the division result.
    • For example, in the division of 10 by 3, the quotient is 3, as 3 times 3 is 9, and the remainder is 1.
  2. Remainder:
    • The remainder is the amount left over after the division is performed. It is the part of the dividend that is not evenly divisible by the divisor.
    • In the same example, 10 divided by 3, the remainder is 1 because after subtracting 9 (3 times 3) from 10, there is 1 left.


Suppose we have:

Dividend = 60

Divisor = 3

The quotient is 20, and the remainder is 0.



  Input the dividend (numerator) and divisor.

  Check if the divisor is zero. If yes, display an error message and end the program.

  Perform division: quotient = dividend / divisor.

  Calculate the remainder: remainder = dividend % divisor.

  Display the quotient and remainder.




Input dividend

Input divisor

If divisor is zero

    Display "Error: Division by zero"

    End program

Quotient = dividend / divisor

Remainder = dividend % divisor

Display "Quotient:", Quotient

Display "Remainder:", Remainder


C Program To Find Quotient And Remainder

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    // Step 2: Input dividend and divisor

    int dividend, divisor;

    printf("Enter dividend: ");

    scanf("%d", &dividend);

    printf("Enter divisor: ");

    scanf("%d", &divisor);

    // Step 3: Check for division by zero

    if (divisor == 0) {

        printf("Error: Division by zero\n");

        return 1; // End program with error code


    // Steps 4 and 5: Calculate quotient and remainder

    int quotient = dividend / divisor;

    int remainder = dividend % divisor;

    // Step 6: Display quotient and remainder

    printf("Quotient: %d\n", quotient);

    printf("Remainder: %d\n", remainder);

    // Step 7: End program

    return 0;


Output/Complexity Analysis

The program takes user input for the dividend and divisor.

It checks for division by zero and displays an error message if needed.

The quotient and remainder are calculated and displayed.

The time complexity is O(1) since the operations are constant time.

The space complexity is also O(1) as only a few variables are used.

How Does This Program Work ?

  1. Variable Declaration:
    • Two integer variables, dividend and divisor, are declared to store the input values.
    • Two more variables, quotient and remainder, will be used to store the result of the division.
  2. User Input:
    • The program prompts the user to enter the values of the dividend and divisor using printf and scanf statements.
  3. Check for Division by Zero:
    • There’s a conditional statement (if) that checks whether the divisor is zero. If it is, the program prints an error message, “Error: Division by zero,” and returns a non-zero exit code (return 1). This prevents a division by zero, which is undefined.
  4. Calculate Quotient:
    • If the divisor is not zero, the program calculates the quotient using the division operator / and stores it in the variable quotient.
  5. Calculate Remainder:
    • The remainder of the division is calculated using the modulus operator % and stored in the variable remainder.
  6. Display Result:
    • The program prints the calculated quotient and remainder to the console using printf statements.
  7. Exit Status:
    • The program exits with a return code of 0 if it runs successfully. If there was an attempt to divide by zero, it exits with a return code of 1.

This program is a straightforward example of handling user input, performing basic arithmetic operations, and checking for a specific error condition (division by zero). Similar to the previous example, it assumes valid integer inputs and may not handle non-integer inputs or other potential errors.


In this C program, we’ve successfully tackled the task of finding the quotient and remainder. The code is structured to handle common errors, and the results are displayed clearly. With a time and space complexity of O(1), this program offers an efficient solution for division operations in the C programming language.

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