Discover Indexed File Allocation Program in C

Discover Indexed File Allocation Program in C

The Indexed File Allocation Program in C is a demonstration of the indexed file allocation method, a key concept in computer file systems. Indexed allocation optimizes access to files by employing an index table that maintains the association between file names and the corresponding locations of data blocks on the disk. This program aims to illustrate the fundamental principles of indexed file allocation, showcasing how file information is organized and accessed efficiently through the use of indices.

What is Indexed File Allocation?

Indexed File Allocation is a file allocation method used in computer file systems to organize and manage the storage of files on a disk. In this allocation scheme, an index or table, often referred to as an “index block” or “file allocation table,” is maintained to keep track of the locations of the actual data blocks that constitute a file.

Here’s how Indexed File Allocation works:

  1. Index Table:
    • Each file in the system has an associated entry in the index table. The index table contains information about the file, including the file name, file attributes, and a list of block pointers.
  2. Block Pointers:
    • The block pointers in the index table point to the actual data blocks on the disk where the file’s content is stored. Unlike contiguous allocation, these blocks may not be located sequentially on the disk.
  3. Example:
    • Suppose a file “example.txt” has an entry in the index table that contains pointers to the actual data blocks on the disk. These pointers allow the system to locate and access the content of the file efficiently.

In summary, Indexed File Allocation provides a balance between the efficient random access of data blocks and the ability to handle dynamic changes in file sizes. While it introduces some overhead and complexity, it is a flexible allocation method suitable for various file system scenarios. You can learn more here.


  • Efficient Random Access: Indexed allocation provides efficient random access to files. The index allows direct access to any block of the file without the need to read through preceding blocks.
  • Dynamic File Size: It is well-suited for files with dynamic sizes, as the index can be easily updated to accommodate changes in the file size.


  • Index Overhead: Maintaining an index for each file introduces overhead in terms of storage space. The size of the index can impact the overall storage efficiency.
  • Complexity: Implementing and managing an index adds complexity to the file system. Operations such as file creation, deletion, and resizing involve updating the index, making these operations potentially more complex.
  • Possibility of Fragmentation: Although indexed allocation helps reduce external fragmentation compared to contiguous allocation, it may still suffer from fragmentation as files are created, deleted, and modified.

Coding the Indexed File Allocation Program in C

Here is a sample of C code that shows how an the program is implemented for better understanding. To make learning go more smoothly, each line will be explained.

#include <stdio.h>
// Function to perform indexed file allocation
void indexedFileAllocation() {
    // Sample data for demonstration
    char fileIndex[] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'};
    int fileBlocks[] = {102, 305, 210, 430, 510};
    int indexSize = sizeof(fileIndex) / sizeof(fileIndex[0]);
    // Displaying the initial indexed file allocation
    printf("Initial Indexed File Allocation:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < indexSize; i++) {
        printf("%c\t%d\t%d\n", fileIndex[i], i, fileBlocks[i]);
    // Performing operations on the indexed file
    // For simplicity, we'll just update the block size of file 'B'
    int updatedBlockSize = 600;
    fileBlocks[1] = updatedBlockSize;
    // Displaying the updated indexed file allocation
    printf("\nUpdated Indexed File Allocation:\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < indexSize; i++) {
        printf("%c\t%d\t%d\n", fileIndex[i], i, fileBlocks[i]);
int main() {
    // Calling the indexedFileAllocation function
    return 0;


  1. The indexedFileAllocation function simulates the initial and updated states of an indexed file allocation system. It uses arrays to store file indices, corresponding block sizes, and the total number of files.
  2. The program displays the initial indexed file allocation, showing the file index, corresponding block index, and the size of each file in blocks.
  3. For demonstration purposes, the program then performs an update by changing the block size of file ‘B’ to 600.
  4. Finally, the updated indexed file allocation is displayed.

This code is a simplified representation for educational purposes, and in a real-world scenario, an actual file system would involve more complex operations and structures.


Initial Indexed File Allocation:
File    Index    Blocks
A       0        102
B       1        305
C       2        210
D       3        430
E       4        510

Updated Indexed File Allocation:
File    Index    Blocks
A       0        102
B       1        600  
C       2        210
D       3        430
E       4        510


To sum up, learning C’s indexed file allocation technique opens the door to effective and optimized operating system file management. The benefits of the indexed technique combined with the strength of C puts programmers in a good position to write reliable file allocation program.

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